Introduction to Health Care

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Authors : Dakota Mitchell; Lee Haroun



5th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2017, 2012

©2021, Published

Learn More

INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH CARE, Fifth Edition, provides an easy-to-read introduction to the foundational skills necessary for a range of health care professions. This trusted text offers a comprehensive, yet highly accessible survey of both soft skills and basic clinical skills for those entering healt... more


"Thinking It Through" features sharpen critical-thinking and problem-solving skills by encouraging readers to apply chapter concepts to real-world workplace scenarios.

End-of-chapter "Suggested Learning Activities" give readers additional hands-on practice using chapter concepts to solve problems a... more

New to this Edition

*NEW* New, up-to-date web activities enable students to dig deeper and expand their understanding of chapter concepts. Instead of leaving students on their own to hunt for trustworthy online resources, each chapter includes addresses for credible websites (such as MedlinePlus, Mayo Clinic, American ... more

Student Supplements
Introduction to Health Care, 5th K12 MindTap (1-year access)

MindTap is the online solution for CTE courses with the full, interactive eBook, media, auto-graded assessment, study tools, and data analytics. MindTap for Health Care includes Learning Lab simulations, which are video-based, first-person simulations that allow st... more

Introduction to Health Care, 5th K12 MindTap (6-year access)

MindTap is the online solution for CTE courses with the full, interactive eBook, media, auto-graded assessment, study tools, and data analytics. MindTap for Health Care includes Learning Lab simulations, which are video-based, first-person simulations that allow st... more