Digital Marketing Foundations and Strategy

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Authors : Debra Zahay; Lauren Labrecque; Brooke Reavey; Mary Lou Roberts


576 Pages  Paperback 

5th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2018, 2013, 2008

©2024, Published

£ 92.99 Price

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Zahay/Labrecque/Reavey/Roberts' DIGITAL MARKETING FOUNDATIONS AND STRATEGY, 5th EDITION delivers comprehensive coverage grounded in strategy concepts, making it easy for students to translate material from other marketing and business courses into the practice of digital marketing. Streamlined chapt... more


Information technology concepts are presented in a way that are easy to grasp: Students must understand the basics of the underlying technology that supports Internet marketing. This text makes rather complex IT concepts understandable to the student who has only the required MIS basics.

Digital ma... more

New to this Edition

The updated title better reflects current market terminology. The first chapter introduces digital marketing using a definition that emphasizes the interactivity and engagement that is present in successful digital marketing.

Grounded in strategy concepts, the content makes it easy for students to ... more

Teacher Supplements
Instructor’s Companion Website

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Student Supplements
Digital Marketing Foundations and Strategy, 5th, K12 MindTap (1-year access)

MindTap is a cloud-based, highly personalized learning environment that combines student learning tools -- readings, multimedia, activities and assessments -- into a single Learning Path.

Digital Marketing Foundations and Strategy, 5th, K12 MindTap (6-year access)

MindTap is a cloud-based, highly personalized learning environment that combines student learning tools -- readings, multimedia, activities and assessments -- into a single Learning Path.