Accounting, 29th

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Authors : Carl Warren; Jefferson P. Jones; William B. Tayler



29th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2021

©2024, Published

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Provide a solid foundation in both business and accounting with the proven, student-focused presentation in ACCOUNTING, 29E by award-winning authors Warren/Jones/Tayler. This edition covers the fundamentals of managerial and financial accounting while motivating students to learn by demonstrating ho... more


CNOWv2 ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM BETTER PREPARES STUDENTS FOR EXAMS. CNOWv2’s Blank Sheet of Paper activities provide an online homework experience that replicates what students will experience on the exam and in the today's business world. This approach ensures student have mastered the concepts rat... more

New to this Edition

INTEGRATED EXAMPLES AND CASES ADDRESSES DATA ANALYTICS. Coverage of data analytics is woven throughout this edition. New "Using Data Analytics" examples now appear in every chapter and describe how students can apply data analytics to the chapter’s content. In addition, new "Take It Further" data an... more

Student Supplements
Accounting, 29th, K12 CNOWv2 (1-year access)

MindTap is the online solution for CTE that includes a full, interactive eBook, annotation and study tools, video, auto-graded assessment and data analytics. This ISBN includes 1 year of access.

Accounting, 29th, K12 CNOWv2 (6-year access)

MindTap is the online solution for CTE that includes a full, interactive eBook, annotation and study tools, video, auto-graded assessment and data analytics. This ISBN includes 6 year of access.