Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice

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Authors : Kären Matison Hess; Christine Hess Orthmann, M.S.; Henry Lim Cho, M.A.


648 Pages  Paperback 

12th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2015, 2012, 2009

©2018, Published

£ 71.99 Price

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Fully updated to reflect the latest changes in the field, this new edition provides comprehensive, practical coverage of both law enforcement and the criminal justice system as a whole (including courts, corrections, and juvenile justice) in one convenient volume. Acclaimed for its uniquely accessib... more


An easy-to-read writing style aids student comprehension.

An engaging, structured learning environment facilitates mastery of the material.

The frontline experience and inside knowledge of a law enforcement officer (Sergeant Cho) is reflected in the book's realistic, relevant information about con... more

New to this Edition

Chapters have been reorganized to improve the overall flow of text content. For example, material on traditional, community, and data-driven policing (Chapter 5) now appears prior to chapters on patrol (Chapter 6) and specialized roles of police (Chapter 7). In addition, coverage of issues concernin... more

Student Supplements
K12 MindTap: Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice (1-year)