Guiding Children's Social Development and Learning: Theory and Skills

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Authors : Marjorie J. Kostelnik, Ph.D; Anne K. Soderman, Ph.D.; Alice Phipps Whiren, Ph.D.; Michelle L. Rupiper, Ph.D.


576 Pages  Paperback 

9th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2015, 2012, 2009

©2018, Published

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Updated throughout and featuring an emphasis on NAEYC and other standards, GUIDING CHILDREN'S SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING: THEORY AND SKILLS, Ninth Edition, provides a comprehensive overview of child guidance and social development. Focusing on children from ages birth through 12 years, it provi... more


NAEYC standards are emphasized throughout the text. Every chapter begins with a list of the standards to be addressed. Relevant standards-related content -- and why it is important -- is highlighted in the material that follows and identified by an icon. A detailed correlation chart listing the stan... more

New to this Edition

Chapter-opening student learning objectives are numbered and closely aligned with the newly numbered main headings throughout the chapters.

Over 250 new references make this edition current with the most recent literature and research.

Items identified as "Professional Resource Downloads" througho... more
