Grammar and Writing Skills for the Health Professional

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Authors : Doreen Villemaire Oberg; Lorraine Villemaire


320 Pages  Paperback 

3rd Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2006, 2001

©2018, Published


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More user friendly than ever, GRAMMAR AND WRITING SKILLS FOR THE HEALTH PROFESSIONAL, 3e, is now organized into independent sections within three modules -- giving instructors complete flexibility to introduce concepts in the order that best suits their needs. The book helps students combine correct... more


Equipping students for practice in the health care field, GRAMMAR & WRITING SKILLS FOR THE HEALTH PROFESSIONAL, 3e, is packed with real life applications -- including advice about etiquette with emails and phone calls -- that complement any course in a health care program as well as serve students w... more

New to this Edition

Sections in the third edition of GRAMMAR & WRITING SKILLS FOR THE HEALTH PROFESSIONAL combine grammar and medical documents so that students can apply the grammar principles they are learning to real-life health care scenarios.

Offering ultimate flexibility, each section can be used independently. ... more

Student Supplements
Grammar and Writing Skills for the Health Professional, 3rd K12 MindTap (1-year access)
9798214117584 $35.00

Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With Grammar and Writing Skills f... more

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K12 Print + Digital Bundle: Grammar and Writing Skills for the Health Professional, 3rd Student Edition + MindTap (6-year access)

