Beginning Essentials in Early Childhood Education

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Authors : Ann Miles Gordon; Kathryn Williams Browne


256 Pages  Paperback 

3rd Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2013, 2007

©2016, Published

£ 75.99 Price

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BEGINNING ESSENTIALS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, Third Edition, is a streamlined foundations textbook that introduces early childhood students to the field. This unique text is organized to answer four key questions: What is the field? Who is the child? Who is the teacher? and What is being taught... more


The book takes a developmental approach, rather than a subject-oriented approach, to help readers understand developmentally appropriate practice. Special topics related to ethics, diversity, standards, and professionalism highlight the practical applications of the material in the main text. In add... more

New to this Edition

NEW: MindTap for Education is a first-of-its-kind digital solution that prepares teachers by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and competencies they must demonstrate to earn an education degree and state licensure, and to being a successful career. Through activities based on real-life teac... more
