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Sports Medicine Essentials: Core Concepts in Athletic Training & Fitness Instruction



Correlating with NATA Standards, SPORTS MEDICINE ESSENTIALS: CORE CONCEPTS IN ATHLETIC TRAINING & FITNESS INSTRUCTION, 3rd Edition introduces essential skills in Sports Medicine, along with its growing number of career choices. Key topics address fitness assessment, conditioning, emergency preparedness, injury management, therapeutic modalities, nutrition, ethical and legal considerations, and much more. Students will explore careers in fitness instruction, athletic training, exercise physiology, sports management, and even physical therapy, while practicing important, job-related skills. More than a text, this unique hands-on learning tool asks students to perform essential skills, such as taping injuries, researching sports medicine supplies and their costs, and even forming a mock safety committee to mitigate injury risks to athletes. SPORTS MEDICINE ESSENTIALS: CORE CONCEPTS IN ATHLETIC TRAINING & FITNESS INSTRUCTION, 3rd Edition gives students VIP access to the fast-paced world of Sports Medicine in both print and interactive eBook formats.

Teacher Supplements

The student workbook is designed to help you retain key chapter content. Included within this resource are chapter objective questions, key term definition queries, multiple choice, fill in the blank questions, and true or false problems.

Student Supplements

The student workbook is designed to help you retain key chapter content. Included within this resource are chapter objective questions, key term definition queries, multiple choice, fill in the blank questions, and true or false problems.