Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management

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Authors : Carlos Coronel; Steven Morris


816 Pages  Paperback 

14th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2019, 2017, 2015

©2023, Published


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Using a practical and easy-to-understand approach, Coronel/Morris' DATABASE SYSTEMS: DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, & MANAGEMENT, 14th edition, equips students with a solid foundation in database design and implementation. This market-leading resource provides in-depth coverage of database design, balancin... more


A more hands-on focus on big data tools and NoSQL databases equips students with the skills employers want. Immersed in leading edge database concepts, students become familiar with emerging tools such as big data analytics.

Clear presentation balances theory and practice. The authors' straightforw... more

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Through MindTap's digital lab assignments, students write SQL code in an interactive environment and receive real-time feedback on their work. Module Quizzes, Problems and Use It activities help students apply what they're learning to real-world scenarios. Database for Life assignments keep students... more

Teacher Supplements
Instructor's Companion Website

Everything you need for your course in one place! This collection of product-specific lecture and class tools is available online via Access and download PowerPoint® presentations, images, Instructor's Manual, videos, learning platform user guide and more.

Student Supplements
Database Systems, 14th K12 MindTap (1-year access)
9780357673164 $37.00

Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With Database Systems, 14th K12 MindTap (1-year access), our online so... more