Electrical Safety

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Author : Rob Zachariason


288 Pages  Paperback 

1st Edition

©2012, Published

£ 48.99 Price

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Can your electrical safety coverage ever be too thorough? ELECTRICAL SAFETY is an introductory text written for the novice student in an easy to understand manner. Electrical hazards that are associated with working around electricity and the precautions that must be taken for safety are covered to ... more


Written in a manner that is easy to understand by people new to the electrical industry.

Looks at construction safety through the eyes of an electrical worker.

Discusses electrical shock and arcing incidents in detail.

Covers general construction safety topics in addition to electrical safety top... more

Teacher Supplements
Electrical Wiring Industrial
9781111124892 £97.50

ELECTRICAL WIRING INDUSTRIAL, 14th Edition, fully updated to reference the 2011 National Electrical Code®, will guide your students step-by-step through the wiring of an entire industrial building. This book is an ideal resource for anyone who will work in the industrial electricity industry. Wit... more

Illustrated Guide to the NEC
9781435498136 £97.50

ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE® 5E provides your students with a unique approach to learning the Code using highly-detailed, technically-accurate illustrations and visuals to break down and simplify the expanding volume and complexity of the 2011 National Electrical Code®. By t... more

Electrical Grounding and Bonding
9781435498327 £75.00

ELECTRICAL GROUNDING AND BONDING 3E, written in accordance with the 2011 National Electrical Code®, provides your students with a comprehensive introduction to the essential elements of electrical grounding and bonding. It examines the critical concepts of calculating conductor sizes, reading... more

Electrical Materials
9781418064969 £18.75

Ideal for anyone new to the electrical industry, this book provides a thorough overview of the variety of electrical materials that are used by today's electricians. Designed to cover essential electrical materials information, the book introduces each material with a photograph and a description. Electr... more

Student Supplements
Electrical Wiring Industrial

ELECTRICAL WIRING INDUSTRIAL, 14th Edition, fully updated to reference the 2011 National Electrical Code®, will guide you step-by-step through the wiring of an entire industrial building. This book is an ideal resource for a professional in the industrial electricity industry. With a practical, s... more

Illustrated Guide to the NEC

ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE® 5E provides you with a unique approach to learning the Code using highly-detailed, technically-accurate illustrations and visuals to break down and simplify the expanding volume and complexity of the 2011 National Electrical Code®. By translating... more

Electrical Grounding and Bonding

ELECTRICAL GROUNDING AND BONDING 3E, written in accordance with the 2011 National Electrical Code®, provides readers with a comprehensive introduction to the essential elements of electrical grounding and bonding. It examines the critical concepts of calculating conductor sizes, reading and i... more

Electrical Materials

Ideal for anyone new to the electrical industry, this book provides a thorough overview of the variety of electrical materials that are used by today's electricians. Designed to cover essential electrical materials information, the book introduces each material with a photograph and a description. Electr... more