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The Earth and Its Peoples, AP® Edition

$167.75 9781337401500


Correlated to the updated AP® World History course and framework, THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLES, Seventh Edition, presents world history in a balanced, global framework, shifting the focus away from political centers of power. This truly global text for the world history survey course employs fundamental themes of "environment and technology" and "diversity and dominance" to explore patterns of humans' interactions with their surroundings and with each other. The authors' approach reveals how humanity continues to shape and be shaped by the environment and how dominant structures and traditions are balanced and challenged by alternate beliefs. Special emphasis is given to technological development and how it underlies all human activity. Highly acclaimed in their fields of study, the authors bring a wide array of expertise to the program. A combination of strong scholarship and detailed pedagogy gives the book its reputation for rigor and student accessibility.

Teacher Supplements
Online Teacher's Resource Guide: The Earth and Its Peoples, AP® Edition

This resource helps instructors teach the course in order to prepare students for AP® exams.

Student Supplements
Fast Track to a 5 Test Prep for AP® World History
9781337401814 $27.25

Aligned to The Earth and Its Peoples, AP® Edition, 7th Edition, Fast Track to a 5 prepares students for success on the AP® World History exam by providing strategies, practice questions, and two full-length Practice Tests.

MindTap The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, AP® Edition, 7th Edition (K12 Instant Access)
9781337401746 $50.00

MindTap™ for The Earth and Its Peoples is a cloud-based, highly personalized, learning environment that combines student learning tools—readings, multimedia, activities, and assessments—into a single Learning Path.

Best Buy / Other Popular Packages
Choose the textbook packaged with the resources that best meet your course and student needs. Contact your Cengage Learning representative for more information.

Bundle: The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, AP® Edition, 7th Student Edition + MindTap (1-year access)



Bundle: The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, AP® Edition, 7th Student Edition + MindTap (6-year access)

