Understandable Statistics: Concepts and Methods (AP Edition®)

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Authors : Charles Henry Brase; Corrinne Pellillo Brase



12th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2015, 2012, 2009

©2018, Published

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UNDERSTANDABLE STATISTICS: CONCEPTS AND METHODS, Twelfth Edition, is a thorough yet accessible program designed to help s... more


Up-to-date technology-related examples include instruction appropriate for the latest versions of MINITAB®, SPSS®, and Excel®.

The "Foreshadowing" feature alerts students to additional related material to be presented in subsequent "Expand Your Knowledge" problems.

The "Looking Ahead" feature give... more

New to this Edition

REVISED "Tech Notes!" provide best practices and accompanying screenshots to assist students who are using these programs.

REVISED "Using Technology" features further technology instruction at the end of each chapter in the Using Technology section.

REVISED real-world applications throughout the t... more

Teacher Supplements
Understandable Statistics: Teacher's Resource Manual
Student Supplements
Fast Track to a 5 AP® Test Preparation Workbook

Fast Track to a 5: Preparing for the AP Statistics Examination is correlated directly to the Twelfth Edition of Brase/Brase's Understandable Statistics. This resource provides a diagnostic test, practice questions, and full-length practice tests include all the types of questio... more

WebAssign Understandable Statistics: Concepts and Methods AP® Edition, 12th Edition (K12 Instant Access)