Community Policing: Partnerships for Problem Solving

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Authors : Linda S. Miller; Kären M. Hess, Ph.D.; Christine H. Orthmann


528 Pages  Hardcover 

8th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2014, 2011, 2008

©2018, Published

£ 71.99 Price

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With a strong focus on problem solving and community-police partnerships, Miller, Hess, and Orthmann's comprehensive text provides a practical, up-to-date guide to effective community policing. After introducing the history and philosophy of the movement that has profoundly shaped modern police oper... more


Comprehensive without being overwhelming, this proven text provides an in-depth introduction to both the fundamental principles and modern practices of community policing, including a strong focus on problem solving and community-police partnerships.

Drawing on their own experience as police profes... more

New to this Edition

The authors introduce the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing in Chapter 1 and integrate its key findings and recommendations throughout the text.

Expanded discussion of use of force includes definitions of reasonable force, excessive force, and deadly force. There's also coverage of th... more

Teacher Supplements
Test Bank (Microsoft® Word)

Organize your course and capture your students' attention with the resources found in the Test Bank, including multiple-choice, true/false, short-answer, and essay questions for each chapter of the text -- most with answers and page references.

Online PowerPoint®

These vibrant Microsoft® PowerPoint® lecture slides for each chapter assist you with your lecture by providing concept coverage using images, figures, and tables directly from the textbook.

Online Instructor's Manual

This detailed manual provides sample syllabi, course guidelines, in-class exercises, and chapter objectives to assist instructors in teaching the course.

Student Supplements
K12 MindTap for Community Policing : Partnerships for Problem Solving, 8th (1-year access)

MindTap is the online learning solution for CTE courses and includes the full, interactive eBook, annotation and study tools, auto-graded quizzes, media and data analytics. MindTap for Criminal Justice courses also includes the Crimina... more

K12 MindTap for Community Policing : Partnerships for Problem Solving, 8th (6-year access)

MindTap is the online learning solution for CTE courses and includes the full, interactive eBook, annotation and study tools, auto-graded quizzes, media and data analytics. MindTap for Criminal Justice courses also includes the Crimina... more