Electronics for Electricians

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Author : Stephen L. Herman


512 Pages  Paperback 

7th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2012, 2007, 2002

©2017, Published

£ 66.99 Price

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Packed with practical lab experiments that give readers a hands-on approach to learning, ELECTRONICS FOR ELECTRICIANS, 7e was written specifically for the electrician working in an industrial environment confronted with power electronic equipment, such as variable frequency drives, rectifiers, DC dr... more


A step-by-step guide to Testing Solid-State Components in the Appendix makes this text a ready reference for technicians.

Hands-on, practical applications of the concepts are provided through labs in the back of the book.

Coverage includes information on decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal num... more

New to this Edition

Completely revised, ELECTRONICS FOR ELECTRICIANS, 7e is packed with updated graphics and examples that reflect the latest developments and practices from the field.

Additional information on spike and surge suppression has been added to provide students with more in-depth coverage.

All laboratory ... more

Teacher Supplements
Instructor Companion Website for Herman's Electronics for Electricians, 7th

The Companion Website includes PowerPoint lectures, Instructor's Manual, Solutions, Data Files and more.

Student Supplements
K12 MindTap for Electronics for Electricians, 7th (1-year access)

MindTap is the online learning solution for CTE courses that includes a full, interactive eBook, study and annotation tools, media, auto-graded assignments, data analytics and more.