Computerized Engine Controls

Cover image of product

Author : Steve V. Hatch


600 Pages  Paperback 

11th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2017, 2012, 2009

©2021, Published

£ 68.99 Price

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Providing thorough coverage of both fundamental electrical concepts and current automotive electronic systems, COMPUTERIZED ENGINE CONTROLS, Eleventh Edition, equips readers with the essential knowledge they need to successfully diagnose and repair modern automotive systems. Reflecting the latest te... more


The author presents information in a logical, highly effective way, introducing basic principles in early chapters, covering one concept at a time, and building on the reader’s growing knowledge by exploring increasingly advanced topics, resulting in an in-depth understanding of the complex systems ... more

New to this Edition

The Eleventh Edition now includes access to a digital version of the text, available via the Delmar/Cengage MindTap® feature.

All photos and illustrations are now presented in full color, enhancing the visual appeal of the text and making it easier for today's learners to engage with the material a... more

Student Supplements
Computerized Engine Controls, 11th K12 MindTap (1-year access)

Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With Computerized Engine Controls, 11th K12 MindTap (1-yea... more

Computerized Engine Controls, 11th K12 MindTap (6-year access)

Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With Computerized Engine Controls, 11th K12 MindTap (6-yea... more